Soft Matter Hacker


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Jan. 22, 2017 - Tools you need: ImageJ and FIJI

At the core of much of your work in this group is the handling of data in the form of digital images. Image processing is therefore data processing. This is great for a number of reasons:

  1. Images immediately communicate a concept and aesthetic to people
  2. Images are numerical matrices that hold a LOT of useful information
  3. Combining several images makes a movie, a natural way to convey change with time and other variables

Even if you have no experience processing digital images, you likely have experience making them using your phone. Processing them is almost as easy, and the place to start is with freely-available tools like:

As its name implies, FIJI Is Just ImageJ, but it has a lot more bells and whistles than ImageJ. Most people wind up installing both, but ImageJ is the place to start. It works on PCs, Macs, and Linux boxes.

If you’re already a hot-shot programmer, you’ll likely know that Python has excellent tool sets for image processing. We’ll get to that later, but ImageJ is a great way to do most of your analysis (beginners) or simply prototype procedures you’d like to code yourself in a script (advanced).