Soft Matter Hacker


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Jan 1, 2017 - Group equipment list

We have a wide array of equipment capability for characterisation, study, and experimentation with complex fluid products and materials.



Microscope stages


Surface measurement


Custom gear and applications

Here is a sampling of the tools we use:

TA Instruments 1500EX

TA Instruments Discovery Hybrid

TA Instruments Q800 DMA

Leica DM2500M fluorescent, DIC reflected and transmitted, and polarized

Leica Wild M3C stereoscope

Nikon Optiphot with reflected and transmitted DIC, polarised light

Motic AE31 inverted scope

Ocean Optics Nanocalc-NIR thin film measurement

KSV Cam 200 Contact angle and drop shape analyzer

Narishige micromanipulators

Sutter P-97 microcapillary puller

Long-term stability modeling

High-speed drop and spray study

Ultrasonic horn